On July 15, 2021, members of the Wayne Shrine Club gathered for their monthly meeting and conducted their annual Service Awards presentations. Our Sudan Potentate, Illustrious Sir Coble D Wilson III presented Noble Coy Shepard his 50 Year Service Award and letter from our Imperial Potentate. Lady Jeannie Shepard pinned presented the 50-Year pin. Noble Ray Batts, a 50 Year Service Award recipient and Noble David Mercer, 25-year Service Award recipients were unable to attend. Congratulations to all three nobles for their dedication. Illustrious Sir also gave an update on Sudan current and upcoming activities and initiatives concerning the temple facility.
The annual Wayne Shrine Club, “4th of July Dinner” of burgers, hot dogs, beans, and banana splits with all the trimmings was served and enjoyed by all. The Wayne Shrinettes decorated the dining room with a beautiful 4th of July theme! A great night of sharing and fellowship was enjoyed by all.