On December 14, 2022, the Rocky Mount Shrine Club met to install their officers for the upcoming year. They had a great turnout, a fabulous dinner, and presented awards to their club members for achievements for the 2022 year. Noble Carl Smith, PP then conducted the installation ceremony. Club officers for 2023 are Noble Dwight Wilson, President; Noble Don Davenport, Vice President; Noble Jerry Tharrington, Secretary; and Noble Carl Smith, Treasurer. Following the installation ceremony. Nobles Steve Tharrington, Carl Smith and Glen Bland, Club President presented our Sudan Potentate with a check for $11, 972.62 from their Fall Fish Fry for the Shriners Children’s (Hospital). Closing out the presentations for the night was Lady Janet Smith presented the Potentate with a check from the Rocky Mount Shrinettes for $1500.00 for the Sudan Transportation Fund. Divan members attending the festivities were Asst. Rabban Randy Simpson; High Priest & Prophet Tom Ferrell; Recorder George Raecher; 1st Ceremonial Master Chris Boykin; and 2nd Ceremonial Master Larry Barnes.
Rocky Mt S/C Installation