l - r: Robby Sadler, Peggy Hardison, Butch Hardison, Paul Scott, and Greg Murphy
On December 8, 2022, prior to the Pamlico Co Shrine Club monthly meeting, Outer Guard Robby Sadler along with Nobles Greg Murphy and Paul Scott had the honor to present Noble Butch Hardison with his 25 year service award and pin.
Ladies Donna Scott, Peggy Hardison, and Martha Sadler presenting Lady Peggy with 1 dozen roses in a crystal vase from the Pamlico Co. Shrinettes in honor of the journey she has traveled alongside Noble Butch. Butch has a long family history in the masonic fraternity. His grandfather, great uncle and brother were all past masters of Mt Vernon Lodge. Butch was one year away from being Master of the Lodge when he became sick with ALS-Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, “Lou Gehrig’s Disease.” He was diagnosed with ALS in January 2017.
Also on December 8, 2022 - Noble Jerry Kilborn receiving his 25 year service award and pin from First Ceremonial Master Chris Boykin and Outer Guard Robby Sadler at the Pamlico County Shrine Club.
Lady Juanita Bennett receiving 1 dozen roses and a crystal vase from the Pamlico Co Shrinettes in recognition of her journey with Past Potentate Ken Bennett during his 25 years of service as a Sudan Shriner.