The New Bern Shrine Club conducted their monthly meeting on March 14, 2025 and recognized three members as having been awarded their Shriners International Service Awards. A great dinner was served to start the evening followed by the presentations. Nobles James A. Broome and Randol P. Stilley received their 25-Year awards and Noble John T. Pugh Jr. received his 50-Year service award. Nobles William G Haskins, and Dred C Mitchell Jr. (25-Year recipients Awards) and Noble Ernest C Richardson (50-Year Award recipient) were unable to attend and will be presented with their pins and certificates at a later date. Sudan 1st Ceremonial Master Robby Sadler read the letters and certificate information. Each noble was presented with their pins by their ladies. PP (22) Cleve Woolard assisted with the presentations. Illustrious Sir Tom Ferrell presented each noble their certificate and letters from Shriners International. Other Divan members present were Chief Rabban Jeff Taylor; Recorder George Raecher; Marshal Bobby Dail, and Outer Guard Lee Cannady. The Ladies were presented with roses in recognition of their support.