Hillbilly Degrees will be offered at the Hillbilly Reunion on July 31st. Please put that on your calendar!
In response to several requests, the Sudan Hillbillies will be conducting a Hillbilly initiation on January 16, 2021. The degree will be held at the Columbus County Shrine Club, located at 737 Sam Potts Hwy in Whiteville, N.C. The Degree will start promptly at 10:00 AM. The cost of this Degree is fifty ($50.00) dollars. All the follow-on degrees will be conducted during out Hillbilly Reunion schedule for July 31, 2021. This is a closed event. Only initiated Shrine Hillbillies and Hillbilly candidates may attend. Photographs may be taken during the degree.
For more information, please contact Bob Gunter at 910-754-7388 or bobbyg730@hotmail.com