Hospital & Patient Services

We never realized the scope of what you do and how you impact families until the diagnosis of our grandson while still in the womb. When we learned that his right leg would never form properly and he was diagnosed with fibular hemimelia, we were devastated. The struggle was a long and prayer-filled one for our daughter to have a child and now she had a viable pregnancy, we were informed of the issue. First your heart sinks and then as a parent you want to fix your child’s hurt. Watching our daughter and son-in-law was hard. We knew God was with us and we knew all would be well, but the how and the unknown ways heavy on your heart.
Then came the Shriners. I had Teeny Jones’ number in my phone from business dealings so I reached out. My thought was to get some information and be ready when Ben was born to help our family. What I got was Teeny jumping into action and getting Caitlin and Justin, our daughter and son-in-law in touch with the Shriners hospital and Johnnie Albritton prayer and checking in on us steadily.
Fast forward to today – On January 21, 2025, Ben had his first surgery. As grandparents, we were allowed to be there with our Caitlin and Justin. From the moment we stepped out of the car at 6am and pushed the button at the elevator to speak with someone to the moment we left and the nurse made sure Ben was secure in his car seat, there was nothing but total care for everyone.
I witnessed teamwork between every person associated with the hospital. Every person had a smile. Every person helped the other to accomplish tasks. The floor cleaner pushed the big machine and smiled while he worked. He even asked us if the machine was bothering us. Not one moment at the hospital in Greenville, SC was difficult except the reason we were there.
Our family feels it important that you know how extremely rare it is to experience the total care we received through the Shriners. While we know that Ben will have more visits to come, it will not be as scary. We know it’s a safe place that will care for Ben and our family and do what is best for him.
In the busyness of life, we tend to forget the “why” of why we do things. This is your “why”. You support an organization that turns the turmoil of a family’s uncertainty into the hope for a child’s future. YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
We know that God directed us to you and we pray that he continues to bless you all!
Ben’s Gigi and his entire family

Da’Myilin has been receiving services from Shriners since 2014. He had clubfoot correction surgery (right foot). He was 6 months when he started going. He’s now 10 years old. The doctor (Gibson) was one of the best. I’m very grateful for the doctors and Shriners for all they do for Da’Myilin and I. Everything has been going well and he continues to get seen once a year as long as no other problems occur.
(Mother of Da’Myilin)

Gunner has been seen at Children's Hospital since 2019. We have enjoyed all of our visits and trips with our Roadrunners. We are very thankful and grateful for everything you guys have done for us.

Skylee was diagnosed with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis in November 2023 by her primary care physician and immediately referred to Shriners Children's Hospital in Greenville SC. Dr. Ashley Startzman diagnosed Skylee with scoliosis of thoracolumbar spine with a 47° curve at T6-T12 and a 49° curve T12-L4. After reviewing our surgical and non-surgical options we chose for Skylee to undergo surgery due to her curve being too large for bracing. Skylee underwent instrumental posterior spinal fusion May 20, 2024. Post surgery Skylee's curvature was corrected to 18.1° at T6-T12 and 14.5° at T12-L4. Skylee had surgery on Monday and we were able to go home on Wednesday. We are forever grateful for the love and support we were shown and are still shown at Shriners. They are our home away from home.
Transportation to Shriners Children's
Sudan Shriners provides complimentary transportation (with a parent) to Shriners Children's Greenville, South Carolina, Cincinnati, Ohio, Boston, Massachusetts and Philadelphia, PA. We invite both parents of the child to travel on the first visit only. We have (7) vans available and there are always (2) volunteer Roadrunner drivers. If an overnight stay is necessary, we provide hotel accommodations at no charge. Sudan has a (2) wheelchair lift vans available for children with wheelchairs.
If parents would rather drive their own vehicle, we provide a hotel room but the parents must call our office so reservations can be made in the child’s name. Families driving are reimbursed for (2) gas receipts. Mail us the gas receipt from filling up the vehicle when leaving home and then again from filling up at the hospital.
This program requires constant TEAMWORK between the Hospital, temple staff, Roadrunner Unit and the parents. Our primary goal is to make sure the children keep their hospital appointments, thereby receiving the necessary treatment they deserve. The Shrine fraternity is comprised of volunteer members who freely give of their time and resources to ensure that the families are transported to and from our hospitals in a safe and efficient manner and this is why it is extremely important that parents take responsibility to call our office if they can not make the trip.
The drivers are on a limited time schedule and can only allow 15 minutes to wait at the designated pick up point before they must move forward. Please make prior arrangements to be picked up after the return trip from the hospital. The van will make periodic stops for meals and travel breaks. There is no smoking, food or beverages allowed on board. If a child needs a car seat please bring it with you or if your child has a wheelchair or needs a gurney, advise us in advance.
As an option, if parents would prefer to fly, Airlift Hope America is available at (800) 325-8908 and Children’s Flight of Hope at (919) 971-0131. There is no charge for flying but there are a few rules that apply.
Donna Horton, (Email: Sudan’s Patient Services Coordinator’s office hours are Monday – Thursday 8:00am to 4:30pm. Please call (252) 637-5197 if you have any questions. It is our pleasure to provide you and your child / children with these services. The Transportation Program is funded totally by your donations.
History of the Sudan Roadrunners
This unique unit was formed approximately 35 years ago and their purpose was to transport patients to and from eastern North Carolina to Shriner’s Hospitals. The Mission Statement is “To provide safe and courteous transportation for the patients and parents traveling to and from Shriners Hospitals for Children".
Our first members were dedicated to the point that they used their own vehicles. Then, thanks to the hard work and support of many Shrine clubs and units, our members started donating new vans to the transportation department. The program now have a nice fleet of first class mini and large passenger vans, some equipped with wheelchair lifts to assure patients and their parents have a safe and comfortable trip.
Sudan Shriners are very proud and fortunate to have the Roadrunners Unit, however it takes many dedicated Nobles working various fundraising activities such as fish frys, dances and other events to help donate to the transportation fund to ensure we can continue doing what we love. After all….it’s all about the KIDS!