Mini Rigs

The Sudan Mini Rigs were formed in Wayne County, Wayne County Shrine Club in 1992. The unit was formed during Past Potentate Illustrious Sir Arnold Brown’s term in office. The unit was formed with thirty-five (35) charter members. The identical Red “Mini Tractor Truck Rigs” were purchased by each member at a cost reportedly at $1800.00. Initially, there were twelve (12) trucks in the unit. The unit’s first parade was in November 1992 at the Sudan Fall Ceremonial in Lumberton, NC. The unit performed in six parades in its first year. In 1993, they made their first donation to the Shriners Hospital of $650.00. During the sixteen years of operation, the Sudan Mini Rigs have grown to fifty-four members, with twenty Mini Rig Trucks and nine Recovery Vehicles. This parade unit averages over 30 parades/performances a year. All of the trucks and recovery vehicles are individually owned and maintained. Thirteen different Nobles have proudly served as “Captain of the Unit” parading and performing in over 540 events while raising over $152,000.00 for the Shriners Hospitals. A Proud Unit in Sudan with a Proud Tradition