Robby Sadler
1st Ceremonial Master
Wife: Martha
P. O. Box 251
Alliance, NC 28509
Cell: 252-671-4591
Noble Robert (“Robby”) W. Sadler was born to the late Robert S. Sadler and Louise McCotter Sadler on September 4, 1959, in New Bern, NC, and he has been a lifelong resident of Pamlico County. Robby graduated from Pamlico County High School and Craven Community College. Following graduation, he began work at Texas Gulf Sulfur Company in Beaufort County. In 1984, recognizing both a community need and business opportunity, Robby opened Pamlico Parts Co, a NAPA auto parts store. Today, Pamlico Parts Co. continues as a NAPA auto parts dealer and has expanded to offer lawn and garden equipment sales and repairs.
Robby was raised to the sublimed degree of Master Mason on November 1, 1983, at Bayboro Lodge #331. He was Master of the Lodge in 1992 and 1996, and he has filled a chair in the lodge regularly since joining.
Robby crossed the hot sands of Sudan Shriners in 2004 at the Fall Ceremonial in Smithfield, NC. He joined the Pamlico Co and New Bern Shrine Clubs, serving as a past President and Board Member of Pamlico Co Shrine Club. He continues to actively participate in both clubs. Robby joined the Sudan Chef Crew in 2013, serving as Head Cook for three years. In October 2013, he was elected to the Royal Order of Jesters, New Bern Court #145.
From a young age, Robby sought to serve his local community. In 1975, Robby became the youngest volunteer fire fighter in Pamlico Co when he joined the Triangle Volunteer Fire Department at age 16, requiring special consent from the Pamlico Co. Board of Commissioners. He held multiple offices in the fire department during his 20-year tenure, most notably acting as Fire Chief in 1982 and 1983. Robby became certified as an Emergency Medical Technician in 1979 and served on the Pamlico Co Rescue Squad for six years. He served as Vice Chairman of Bay River Metropolitan Sewer District from 1990 through 2002. Robby was elected to the Alliance Town Board in 1996 and elected as Mayor of Alliance in 2000, serving as Mayor until 2006. Robby has served as Chairman of the Pamlico Co ABC Board since he was appointed in 2004.
Robby married the former Martha Mayo of Vandemere, NC. Prior to joining Robby at Pamlico Parts Co. in 2017, Martha was Executive Vice President at The Newport Group and Managing Director with RSM US LLP, where she managed the Compensation, Retirement and Employee Benefits Consulting teams across the country. Robby and Martha reside in Merritt, NC where they enjoy spending time with their three dogs, family, and friends; they both share a love for all things water related.